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Duell of the Fates Songtext

Korah matah korah rahtahmah

Korah rahtahmah yoodah korah
Korah syahdho rahtahmah daanyah
Korah keelah daanyah
Nyohah keelah korah rahtahmah
Syadho keelah korah rahtahmah
Korah daanya korah rahtahmah

Korah daanya korah rahtahmah
Nyohah keelah korah rahtahmah
Syadho keelah korah rahtahmah

Korah matah korah rahtahmah

Korah daanya korah rahtahmah
Nyohah keelah korah rahtahmah
Syadho keelah korah rahtahmah












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